martes, 14 de junio de 2011

Differences between Lima and Riverside

Travelers always search for interesting places to visit which have attractive things to know and give the best life experience for the tourists. When you travel for example from Lima to Riverside, you can see the most important characteristics in each city, and learn about their customs. In fact, Lima and Riverside share some similarities; however, they differ in various ways when you visit them.
Main Cathedral in Lima

Comparatively, Riverside and Lima have few things in common. For example, both cities have a lot of landmarks. Like Lima, Riverside has important places to visit which have a historical value. For this reason, in Lima you can visit The Government Palace, The Main Cathedral, San Marcos University, Saint Francis Monastery. On the other hand, Riverside has beautiful places to visit, such as: The Chinatown Site, The National Packing House, First Church of Chris Scientist, Fox Theater (where the movie Gone with the Wind premiered in 1939). Next, neither of the cities has a good public transportation, so I recommend take a taxi if you want to move very quickly in both cities.  Moreover, Lima has the same weather as Riverside because the two cities are both warm. This natural characteristic helps the growing citrus fruits in these cities.
Fox Theater

Although these important similarities exist, these cities are completely opposite. First, Lima is older than Riverside because Lima was founded in 1535; in contrast, Riverside is a modern city and it was established in 1870. This is a relevant point, for Lima was declared as a capital of humanity in 1992 for Unesco. Second, even though Lima has this important title, it doesn’t have a plan for the preservation of its historical buildings, but Riverside has a careful planning of the City’s Historic Preservation Program which helps to be more attractive than Lima for the tourists. Third, Lima is more crowded than Riverside because Lima has 1, 8 million people while Riverside has only 300, 430 people. Unlike Riverside, Lima is the political center in Peru. On the other hand, Riverside is a city inside California, but it is not the capital of the United States. Fourth, while Lima has different kinds of traditional festivals during the year, such as: The Lord of Miracles, Saint Rose of Lima; on the contrary, Riverside does not have a typical festival. Finally, Lima has a lot of typical restaurants, but Riverside only has fast food restaurants. Moreover, in Lima, the food is cheaper than Riverside, and you can eat different kinds of dishes; however, in Riverside only you can eat fast food.
Peruvian Government Palace

In conclusion, even though the two cities are both amazing places to visit and share things in common, they do not resemble each other. I believe that if a traveler wants an emotional experience, Lima offers several options to do and places to visit.

Building a Country Brand: The Peruvian Case

All the countries compete between each other to attract the attention from the world because it is one way to improve their economics and social situation. Building a country brand or a country image constitutes a formal and extensive procedure of planning, which summarizes the foremost aspects on the country to offer to the tourists or investors, so this task represents a strategy for each country to show their benefits to proffer to the international market. According to Promperu that it said: “ A brand is much more than a logo. In addition to its identity, a brand has a reputation built on its promise and performance… In a country brand, this reality comes an even greater dimension” (Promperu). Consequently, when Peru built its brand, they focused on the highlight points which contain the national identity, so this country chooses as symbols to introduce itself to the world: the tourism.
Macchu Picchu
Before the Peruvian government built the country image, they had worked  to identify which relevant angle to define Peru, so they understood that Peruvian ancestral history is the center of attraction for tourists. Once it had identified the tourism as one of the symbols of Peru, they divided it in three areas. First area, the attitude to discover of the tourists to see the richest cultures in all South America because summarize the history of a continent. To exemplify, tourists can be abble to see one of the oldest cities in the world named Caral, and visit the majestic Inca’s city called Macchu Picchu.
The Ancient City of Caral
Second area, the experience of enjoying through a variety of activities, so the lover of sports adventures has benn choosing to Peru like one of the favorites destinations. For instance, the gegraphical strucutre of Peru is the ideal place to practice thse typess of sports like climbing mountains, boating, and others. 
Colca Canyon
Lastly area, as the best manner to awake the senses; tourists should eat the Peruvian gastronomy which is one of the most famous coocking-styles around the world because it was recognized by its wide offer of dishes. Moreover, the mixture of its flavor represents the influience from different cultures that have lived in Peru. To illustrate, the Chinse-Peruvian style is developed by the Chifas, a kind of Chinese restaurant, where there is a fusion of the Asian flavor and Peruvian traditional ingredients. Hence, tourism is helping to reflect ancient history of Peru, but it also shows its identity.
The Peruvian-Chinese Fusion

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Carpe Diem

Always we think in the future, but we forget to live each moment of our life and enjoy it. We forget to appreciate the small details to observe the expectation in something have not happened yet, so this circumstance create a state of uncertainty that not allows us to live fully. While we are thinking in the future, we lose time and do not develop our abilities to do our life extraordinary. We should remember the future is now, so we will take each time of the life to enhance and enrich our spirits. We will do anything to make us grow as professionals and as individuals because our actions represents indelible imprint we leave in this life. Making an extraordinary life requires courage and strong willpower to face any challenge until to get our goals. Two simple words like Carpe Diem reflects each step that we make to build our future, so we must do anything to build ours skills to get the desired future. Think in the future is like an act of guest, but we shape each step to achieve an exceptional life. Perseverance and discipline are the cues to advance in our projects because during our life we will face any type of problems, which represent an opportunity to defy our limitations. We will change some wrong habits in order to build an extraordinary life, so the frequently review of our actions help us get a good performance in the life.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Social Development through Organic Agriculture

There is a new tendency in the consumer demand about food that it was made by organic agriculture. The organic agriculture is the currently highlight point in the economy of several developing countries to implement their social growth. Producing food using the organic agriculture means that it helps to create jobs in the rural zones, build the social capital of rural areas, and maintain a healthy environment.

The organic agriculture is a new way to create diverse jobs in the local zones, especially in the rural areas around the world. First, there are a lot of people who live in the extreme poverty and remote locations, such as rural people. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2006), “Three-quarters of the poor people in developing countries live in rural areas and most of them depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.” They usually don’t receive any kind of government support, so these people haven’t had government protection for long time. Consequently, they have devoted to growing drugs because they earn much money in this activity. While the governments don’t make any plan to create jobs in the rural areas, so the problem will be continued. Second, if the jobs don’t respect popular tradition in specific zones, it will cause a social conflict among rural people, government, and exporters. However, the organic agriculture is a good choice to generate jobs, so the governments should use this tool in their fight against poverty. As explained by the European commission (2006), “Organic works, a 2006 survey from the UK’s  Soil Association, found organic farming in the UK provides 32% more jobs per farm than equivalent non-organic farms.” Third, the exports must be fair in the price that they pay to the farmers, so this the key in the relationship between exports and farmers.

Obama’s Organic Farming

Another important point of the organic agriculture is the availability to build the social capital in the rural areas. First of all, organic agriculture is made by traditional knowledge because farmers don’t use chemicals in the growing. Indeed, this is the core business in the ecological farming, and it helps for farmers to get a good price in the markets. Next, the social capital in the rural areas includes tools for inspection and control, like internal control and participatory guarantee systems that strengthen social organization and empower rural communities. Finally, while organic farming is a modern food production, its roots are founded in traditional agriculture and it still retains much of the knowledge gained from these systems, for example working with nature, using livestock manure as a fertilizer and growing only what the farm can naturally yield, providing suitable habitats around the farm for beneficial animals to help control pests naturally, and so on.
Ecological agriculture approaches the agriculture procedures with the health care in the environment. Now that the organic agriculture is the new tendency in the producing food, the farmers must be careful in their techniques. If they want to maintain the integrity of the ecosystem and productivity of natural resources, they won’t use chemicals synthetic, pesticides and synthetic fertilizer. Second, under the organic agriculture, the prevention is the clue, so farmers should apply their skills to prevent problems. Third, technology plus traditional background are the routes in which farmers should use to improve their production.
Organic agriculture’s opponents believe that this type of farming is not the good option in the fight against poverty because the rural farmers don’t have enough knowledge to mass production, so they think managing agriculture, especially big companies. In fact, organic farmers won’t buy synthetic seeds and others synthetic products to use in their crops. Furthermore, organic agriculture is an economic activity that doesn’t spend a lot of money during its growing, so rural farmers have a new way to develop their social and economy situation.
The social development through organic agriculture is only one of the strategies to fight against the poverty because it includes diverse tools like: create jobs in the rural zone, make the social capital and health care in the environment. In my opinion, developing countries should use this type of agriculture to increase their social relationship with their people because the rural people always don’t access to social programs that are implemented in their countries.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

Management a Small Business

Global society requires a new approach to business management that allows these companies to assume the challenges of the globalized market. This situation creates the need to focus efforts in the effective management of small business for global success. The approach to these serious efforts to bring through a plan that includes new strategies to increase their competitive, such as: the basic principles of corporative government, developing strategies to achieve competitive advantage, social responsibility and financial aids.When a company is launched in the market, it needs different kinds of supports. First, the basic principles of corporative government give the main way through the company must be management about their social and trade relationships.Managers should take in account the effeects about business decisions because they affect not only the company, but will also have a direct impact on the society.  Second, small business need to find the correct strategies to get a competitive advantage because the global market requires the companies create value; in other words, they can be able to generate enough money for their shareholders or stockholders. Even though  thi is main target of the manangers, they should procure to get the best perfomance for the company. Third, the social responsibility is a currently item in the business because it answers the question what are the actions in the companies that affects the society. Finally, financial aids are necessaries to improve the majority part of the activities in the company, such as: production, distribution, marketing and other relevant task inside the small business.In conclusion, the United States requires a strong small business that it can be able to grow up the economy and help developing national competitive. It is the only way that United States would be a competitive country again.
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